Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm not slacking!

Hi everybody! I know what you're all asking...where the heck is Day 5 & 6 Ryan?!?!? But don't fret! I have taken pictures for both of those days. I really don't want to get into nerdy technical details, so I'll just say my computer sucks and can't process the images correctly! Good enough!? Great! :)

K fine, I'll get into the nerdy details... I shoot my pictures in RAW format (Wikipedia it) and use Capture NX2 for minor details ie. colour correction, exposure compesation, white balance, etc. and my poor little laptop can't handle it....

K I'm cutting this short! I'm off to the Habs Leafs game and Laura just showed up!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 4

1/160 F10 ISO 200 @ 70mm

It was yet another gloomy rainy but I didn't mind it, I was at work all day so it only sucks for those who had the day off...sorry Shawno ;) Again, the only problem I had was trying to find something Sun related to shoot. Luckily the clouds broke on the way to pick up my supper. I took a couple of other pictures these past couple of days that are not apart of my year long project, but I figured I should post them anyways.

1/100 f4.8 ISO 200 @ 42mm

I took this on the way to work, I was slowly driving along the water looking in amazement on how there was no separation between the water and shore line because of the intense fog.

I found this lone island and knew I just had to shoot what if I was 20 minutes late for work ;)

1/1000 f10 ISO 100 @ 50mm

I took this pic on another cruise down the Lakeshore this past Saturday in Baie d'Urfe. With the windows down, sunroof popped and Bibio resonating through my car, I will go ahead and jinx it by saying....Summer has come early my friends ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3

1/60 F2.5 ISO 200 @ 50mm

I'll just go ahead and say it, yesterday was a bust... The sky was grey with the ever growing threat of rain (not ideal conditions when the "Theme of the Week" is Sun) so after a great dinner and before heading out to the movies, Laura and I decided to go find anything marginally related to sun. After a nice drive down Gouin Blvd. This sign for a semi rundown garage caught Laura's eye. I couldn't be bothered with layout and stuff so snapped the picture from inside my car and continued the drive... I promise I'll find something more interesting to shoot tonight.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 2

1/640 F2.5 ISO Lo 1 @ 50mm

I needed to keep with my Sun theme and luckily for me, the weather network was wrong... but what else is new? There was no rain or clouds for that matter. What there was was plenty of sun! I shot this with a large aperture to blur the background and create a nice bokeh in the late afternoon light. Hopefully tomorrow is just as beautiful.

Day 1

1/80 F22 ISO Lo 1 @ 75mm exp comp +0.7

I had no shortage sun yesterday so finding things to shoot was easy, deciding on what to shoot was the hard part. The sun was strong and the few clouds that slowly made their way across the sky didn't really diffuse the sun's power that much. I was in such a mellow relaxed state that my creativity was on serious battery reserve and I couldn't be bothered to walk around and snap some shots. So I present to picture # 1 out of 365. I caught the refection of the sun off of a table I have in my backyard that created all these bright shimmering facets.

- Enjoy ;)


Hope you enjoyed my blog :D