Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 120

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 119

Day 117

Day 116

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 115

I couldn't go outside because of the monsoon that was happening so I snapped a picture of my dash while zooming at the same time to see what would happen. I kinda like it.

Note to you kids out there, never snap and drive... it's against the law..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 114

I really wanted to try and shoot some Star Trails while we were out camping and kind of half-assed it. I did a 15 minute exposure to get the stars to run a bit and then did a 30 second exposure to expose the fire/people. I them merged them together in Photoshop

The stream of light coming from the fire is CJ waiving a burning stick during the 30 second exposure.

Day 113

We went camping this weekend and enjoyed everything second of it. Every now and then I need to get out of the city and run around in the dark with friends lol. Neil had night vision goggles which were veryyy entertaining, especially after 6 or 9 beers :D

Here's a little drunken attempt at some hand held light painting. I'm not quite sure what he was trying to draw...

Day 112

I thought it would be kinda cool to make it look like I was trying to catch some light. I bought these LED lights that I stuck together and then tied to the ceiling with some fishing line so that I can make it look like the light was floating in the air. I set up my tripod and camera, did all the necessary tweaks and then got back into place for the photo.

I set the camera to manual, with a 3 second exposure @ f8 so that when the flash went off the background would still stay dark. The flash was set to "Rear Curtain" which just means that it would go off at the end of the 3 second exposure. This allows the hanging LEDs time to spin wildly before the flash freezes everything in the image.

Hope you enjoyed my blog :D