Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 111

It's Friday and it's nice outside, forget eating in the cafeteria... So I decided to head to Dolce Pìu. What is Dolce Pìu you ask? ONLY the best sandwich place in Lachine. I'd move around the corner from this little, If only I could afford it...

Now it's Camera time. Shot at f8 at 1/250th of a second with native ISO. White Balance was on Cloudy to give it a warmer tone and for some reason I had my Polarizer on...iono why.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 110

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 109

My newest toy. It makes retouching and graphic work so much more organic and personal. I heart Bamboo and have no place for a mouse in life life anymore. Everyone should own one!

- I shot this with my 50mm with a shallow depth of field and focused on the name of the tablet. I kept the shutter speed at 1/100 of a second to minimize blurring in the image but because of the higher shutter speed, I wasn't getting enough light on the tablet. So with my left hand, I bounced the light coming through my window off my bounce ring and awkwardly shot with my right. It took a couple of tries but I got one that worked.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 108

It was a very busy day and i didn't have the mental or physical capacity to go out and take a shot. My back is still giving me issues and I didn't want to aggravate anymore than it already is. I knew I had to shoot something so I stepped out of my house and surveyed my surroundings for something interesting...nothing hit me. So I zoomed my camera to the max, spot metered the moon, stopped down 2 stops so that the moon wasn't just a ball of white and snapped away.

Day 107

This guy was SERIOUS! He not only rawked the Lord of the Rings gettup, but he also fought barefoot! ya ya ya we all can walk around barefoot no problem. But would you go barefoot on Mont Royal? During Tam Tams? While fighting foam and Duct Tape warriors???

I didn't think so...

Day 106

Hope you enjoyed my blog :D